*If you have any questions about their content poster, you can contact them directly by email provided.
Innovation, Impacts and Future Direction of Sustainable Universities in Managing Setting and Infrastructure
Aida Berhamovic, Director of Estates, Royal College of Music, United Kingdom Royal College of Music: Carbon Management Plan
email: aida.berhamovic@rcm.ac.uk
Anna Opałka, MSC., Head of the External Relations Department, University of Applied Sciences In NYSA, Poland University of Applied Sciences in Nysa activities in the context of its sustainable development strategy implementation
email: anna.opalka@pans.nysa.pl
Dr. Silvia Di Salvatore, Coordinator of “Técnico Sustentável – Ambiente Sociedade Economia”, Instituto Superior Técnico – University of Lisbon, Portugal The project “Técnico Sustentável – Ambiente, Sociedade, Economia”, Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon, Portugal
email: silviadisalvatore@tecnico.ulisboa.pt
Associate Prof Ayla Bilgin, Sustainability Directors, Artvin Çoruh University, Turkey Sustainability and Green Campus Studies at Artvin Coruh University
email: ayla.bilgin@artvin.edu.tr
Ing. Eduardo García Ochoa, M.Ee., Technical Director for Indicators Analysis and Foresight Planning, University of Valladolid, Spain The Plan for Energy Saving and Efficiency as an example of the University of Valladolid’s commitment to sustainability
email: direccion.tecnica.analitica@uva.es
Dr. Irwan Ary Dharmawan, Vice Director, Universitas Padjadjaran, Indonesia Application of High-Resolution Remote-Sensing Data for Land Use Land Cover Mapping of University Campus (study case: Universitas Padjadjaran)
email: iad@geophys.unpad.ac.id
Innovation, Impacts and Future Direction of Sustainable Universities in Managing Energy and Climate Change
Prof. Mahmoud A.S. El-METEINI, President, Ain Shams University, Egypt Towards Efficient Energy Usage at Ain Shams University Campus
email: presisent@asu.edu.eg
Leonardo Silva Manso Sustainability Coordinator, Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of the South of Minas Gerais – IFSULDEMINAS, Brazil IFSOLAR: the innovative IFSULDEMINAS program for the acquisition of solar photovoltaic plants
email: leonardo.manso@ifsuldeminas.edu.br
Thalita dos Santos Dalbelo, Coordinator of Sustainability, University of Campinas, Brazil One more step towards sustainability: implementation of the energy efficiency project at Unicamp
email: thalita@unicamp.br
Dr. Miguel Tasambay Salazar, Innovation Director, Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo, Ecuador Innovative Sustainability Initiatives: A Case Study of the Polytechnic School of Chimborazo in Ecuador
email: mtasambay@espoch.edu.ec
Loraine Nazaré, Coordinator of Decision Support Centre, University of Aveiro, Portugal A HEI strategy to implement solutions aligned with energy and climate change challenges
email: lnazare@ua.pt
Dr. Muhammad Kabir, Assistant Professor & Incharge, Thal University Bhakkar, Pakistan Air pollution, its causes and impacts on plants in changing climate of Pakistan; A critical review
email: muhammad.kabir@uos.edu.pk
Assist Prof. Ahmed A. Rashid Kbah., Head of the Architectural Department College of Engineering, Al_Muthanna University, Iraq Sustainable Energy and Green Initiatives at Al-Muthanna University: A Case Study in Climate Change Mitigation
email: ahmed.architect@mu.edu.iq
Dr. Nurina Fitriani, Vice Coordinator of Sustainability Campus Team, Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia Carbon Footprint of Universitas Airlangga Before and During the Covid-19 Pandemic
email: nurina.fitriani@fst.unair.ac.id
Dessy Ariyanti, S.T., M.T., Ph.D, Secretary of SDGs Universitas Diponegoro, Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia University Strategies in Contributing to Climate Change Action
email: dessy.ariyanti@che.undip.ac.id
Innovation, Impacts and Future Direction of Sustainable Universities in Managing Waste
Serdar Gedayev, Vice-dean, Biotechnology and Ecology faculty of ETUT, Oguz Han Engineering and Technology University of Turkmenistan, Turkmenistan Realization of Green Engineering at ETUT
email: Seriwolk.sg@gmail.com
Dr. Verónica Torrijos Pérez, Senior Technician Office for Environment, University of A Coruña, Spain , Separate collection of biowaste in general areas of university centers
email: v.torrijos@udc.gal
Prof. Vítor Manteigas, Professor, Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa, Portugal Waste Management in Higher Education Institutions: the case study of the Polytechnic of Lisbon
email: vitor.manteigas@estesl.ipl.pt
Iztleuov Gani Moldakulovich, Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor M.Auezov University, Kazakhstan A Sustainable Recycling Waste of Zinc-Ion Battery
email: gani5@mail.ru
Innovation, Impacts and Future Direction of Sustainable Universities in Managing Water
Asst. Prof. Dr. Sasikan Suwanprateep, Assistant to the Rector, Rajamangala University of Technology Suvarnabhumi, Thailand Implementing the Water Management of Rajamangala University of Technology Suvarnabhumi on Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya Huntra Campus
email: sasikan.s@rmutsb.ac.th
Ivan Augusto Furini Rogati, Civil Engineer, Acting Director, Senac university Center, Brazil Integration of systems and services at Centro Universitário Senac – Santo Amaro Campus aimed at rationalizing water use and minimizing effluent generation
email: ivan.afrogati@sp.senac.br
Dr. Ir. Erna Sri Sugesti, M.Sc., Professor, Telkom University, Indonesia Water Management Program in Telkom University: Planning and Best Practice
email: ernasugesti@telkomuniversity.ac.id
Dr. Ir. Nasruddin, ST., MT., IPM, Engineering Faculty Vice Dean, Universitas Samudra, Indonesia The Utilization of Solar Energy in Optimizing of clean water distribution System at Universitas Samudra
email: nasruddin@unsam.ac.id
Innovation, Impacts and Future Direction of Sustainable Universities in Managing Transportation
Asst.Prof.Suchada Chaisawadi, Sustainability Office Director, King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi, Thailand Walk & Bike Society in KMUTT Thailand
email: suchadapom@gmail.com
Innovation, Impacts and Future Direction of Sustainable Universities in Managing Education and Research
Prof. dr Savo Markovic, Rector, University Mediterranean, Montenegro The role of universities in sustainable ecological development with reference to Montenegro
email: savo.markovic@unimediteran.net
Assistant Professor Rapeepan Kongtoom, Vice Rector for Local Development Strategy and Special Affairs, Muban Chombueng Rajabhat University, Thailand From the Past to the Future: a milestone of Muban Chombueng Rajabhat University in Sustainable University
email: planmcru@mcru.ac.th
Joanna Tekavc, prof., Department for development and student affairs, University of Maribor, Slovenia Pilot projects of the University of Maribor for a green and resilient transition to Society 5.0
email: joanna.tekavc@um.si
Dr. Ruben Regueira, Director of Data and Process Center, University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain Scaling-down teaching and research indicators is crucial to define the holistic performance of universities
email: ruben.regueira@usc.es
Prof. Dr. Helena Midori Kashiwagi Da Rocha, Professor, Federal University Of Paraná State, Brazil Distance Education Course “Water as an Interdisciplinary Element of Teaching in Schools”: action in Basic Education through a partnership between the PROFCIAMB Network and ANA, Brazil
email: helenamidori@ufpr.br
Manuel Soto, Prof., Sustainability, Deputy of the Vice-Chancellor of Infrastructure and Sustainability, Universidade da Coruña, Spain ‘Campus, home, city: Laboratories of change’, the Education for Sustainability program of the University of A Coruña
email: martina.rey.dono@udc.es
M.Sc. Leonardo Chaves de Carvalho, Director of Sustainable Development, Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil UFMS and 2030 Agenda: applying the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in institutional projects
email: dides.rtr@ufms.br
Prof. Dr. Tupicyna Olga Vladimirovna, Head of the Department of Chemical Technology and industrial ecology, Samara State Technical University, Russia Project Environmental Cooperation as a Tool for Training Proactive Specialists and Sustainable Development of the Region
email: olgatupicyna@yandex.ru
Prof. Dr. José Alí Moncada Rangel, Universidad Técnica del Norte, Ecuador Seminars in education for sustainability aimed at Basic Education teachers, as a community service involving postgraduate students
email: jmoncada@utn.edu.ec
Asst. Prof. Vorapat Inkarojrit, Ph.D., Assistant President for Special Affairs (Sustainability), Chulalongkorn University, Thailand CHULA Beyond Leading Changes: A Capacity Building Program for Campus Sustainability at Chulalongkorn University.
email: vorapat.i@chula.ac.th
Instructor Shemshat Atayeva, M.Ed., Instructor of Molecular biology and genetics Department, Oguz han Engineering and Technology University of Turkmenistan, Turkmenistan Innovative approach to training sustainable engineers
email: shemshatatayeva39@gmail.com
Asst. Prof. Dr. Zeliha Sahin Cagli, M.Sc., Advisor to the Rector, Chief Sustainability Officer, CSO, OSTIM Technical University, Turkey Sustainability Perspective of Industrial University for Environmental growth at Economy and Business
email: zeliha.sahincagli@ostimteknik.edu.tr
Prof. Dr. Marcin Górski, PhD, CEng, Director, SUT Project Management Center, Silesian University of Technology, Poland Transformational challenges of the Silesian University of Technology in the era of building the European University EURECA-PRO
email: marcin.gorski@polsl.pl
Dr Zsuzsa Piskóti-Kovács, Head of Coal Commission Secretariat, Eszterházy Károly Catholic University, Hungary The activities of Eszterházy Károly Catholic University in the field of sustainability
email: piskoti.zsuzsa@uni-eszterhazy.hu
The Javeriana’s Strategic Plan for the Sustainable Management of its Cali campus: a path for the Future Direction of Sustainable universities M.Sc. Eng. Isabella Tello Gomez, University`s Environmental Professional, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana Cali, Colombia
email: isabella.tello@javerianacali.edu.co
Rodrigo de Benedictis Delphino, Director of Cooperation and Sustainability, Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of São Paulo – IFSP, Brazil Projeto Sustentare – Smart and Sustainable Communities
email: rodrigo.delphino@ifsp.edu.br
Claudia Dulce Romero, Director of Social Outreach and Alumni, Universidad del Rosario, Colombia Experience based learning in sustainability through the institutional program ‘Path to a Sustainable Country’
email: sostenibilidadur@urosario.edu.co
Marija Jankovic, Dean of Faculty of Economics and Business, Mediterranean University, Montenegro Increasing the awareness of students at Montenegrin universities about the importance of sustainable development
email: marija.jankovic.mbs@gmail.com
Martina Rey Dono, Green Office Technician, Green Office Technicia, Universidade da Coruña, Spain Evaluation of the Green Campus program at the University of A Coruña
email: martina.rey.dono@udc.es
Prof. Dr. Eng. Andrey V. Vasilyev, Representative of rector, professor, Samara State Technical University, Russia Development of education in the field of environment protection in Samara State Technical University according to international standards requirements
email: avassil62@mail.ru
Mónica Sofía Rico-Ramírez., M.Sc., El Bosque University, Colombia Education – Training for Life
email: mricor@unbosque.edu.co